In the intricate patchwork of life's experiences, each story is a testament to the human spirit's capacity for resilience, transformation, and the relentless pursuit of authenticity. Today, within the Voices of Resilience Series, we are honored to spotlight Luke Cooper's journey. His path from the shadows of adversity into the light of sobriety and self-discovery is not just inspiring—it's a beacon of hope for many. 

ODAAT x Luke Cooper, Voices of Resilience

The Turning Point

"I started drinking in my early teens... I didn’t really take it seriously until my late thirties when I couldn’t handle the partying and numbing anymore."

Q: Can you share a brief overview of your journey and what led you to seek a path of recovery or personal transformation?

A: "I started drinking in my early teens because I wanted to be one of the cool kids. Throughout my teen years I drank regularly, but my drinking got a lot worst in my twenties, after a violent attack I was dealing with PTSD and struggling with my own identity. I drank and took drugs to deal with all of those big emotions. In my thirties I dabbled in some periods of sobriety, but I didn’t really take it seriously until my late thirties when I couldn’t handle the partying and numbing anymore."


Embracing One Day At A Time

"ODAAT is such a powerful mantra, it holds so much power in its simplicity."

Q: What does the mantra 'One Day At A Time' mean to you, and how has it influenced your approach to challenges and growth?

A: "ODAAT is such a powerful mantra, it holds so much power in its simplicity. Today, I only have to stay sober today. Tomorrow will come and the same rules apply. But for now, I stay sober today. Its that simple."


A New Purpose

"After hitting the 2-year milestone... I felt so proud. There is still a lot of work to be done, but I know I am on the right path."

Q: Can you describe a pivotal moment in your journey that significantly impacted your path toward healing and resilience?

A: "I would have to say hitting the 2 year milestone has been one of the most pivotal moments. The 2nd year of sobriety for me was very difficult, full of ups and downs so getting through that I felt so proud. There is still a lot of work to be done, but I know I am on the right path."


The Essence of Resilience

"Sobriety is all about resilience... Sitting with your emotions without numbing is a real sign of resilience."

Q: How have your experiences shaped your understanding of resilience, and what does being resilient mean to you personally?

A: "Sobriety is all about resilience I thought I was resilient before, but when I got sober the journey had only just begun. Sitting with your emotions without numbing is a real sign of resilience. Anyone that can do that is resilient."


The Power of Community

"If there wasn't a community, I would be lost... TikTok has been an integral part of my community."

Q: What role has community played in your journey? How do you connect with others who are walking similar paths?

A: I am part of an online community and I try to meet with them online at least 2 times a month. But tiktok has been an integral part of my community too, seeing other creators and hearing their stories helps me with my journey.


Finding Strength

"I really don’t know if I would’ve made it this far without being able to exercise..."

Q: In moments of doubt or hardship, what practices, beliefs, or mantras help you find strength and continue moving forward?

A: "Breathwork and Journalling have played pivotal roles in my sobriety. Breathwork is so good for calming me down and I find writing down whatever is going through my mind helps me process those feelings. Exercise is also a huge part of my daily practice. I really don’t know if I would’ve made it this far without being able to exercise, so I am grateful to have a strong healthy body."


Celebrating Milestones

"...its important to celebrate all milestones big or small."

Q: How do you celebrate your milestones and successes, no matter how big or small they may be?

A: "I like to treat myself somehow, take myself out for a lunch date, or something simple like a non alcohol drink on the front porch watching the sun go down. I think its important to celebrate all milestones big or small."


Advice for the Journey Ahead 

"...there is no one size fits all approach when it comes to sobriety."

Q: What advice would you give to someone at the beginning of their journey of recovery or self-improvement?

A: "Soak up as much Sobriety Content as possible, piece together all the bits you like and create your way of doing it. I’m a firm believer that everyone’s journey is different, so there is no one size fits all approach when it comes to sobriety."


Inspirational Beacon

Q: Is there a particular book, quote, or person that has been a significant source of inspiration and support for you?

A: "I listened to How I quit Alcohol podcast with Danni Carr, she is amazing and has played a huge part in my journey. Annie Graces this naked mind is also a personal favorite."


Mindfulness as a Way of Life

" sounds like a lot, but it helps me stay focused and on track"

Q: How do you incorporate mindfulness or self-care into your daily routine, and how has this changed your perspective on life?

A: "I try to move first thing in the morning with some yoga followed by some breathwork usually some Wim Hoff, then I do my daily gratitude’s and try to set an intention for the day. Exercise is usually after work and I’ll finish the day with some more journaling just to brain dump before bed so I’m not ruminating when trying to get to sleep. I know it sounds like a lot, but it helps me stay focused and on track." 


A Message of Hope

"Every day is a new opportunity for growth."

Q: What message of hope or encouragement would you like to share with the ODAAT Apparel community?

A: "Every day is a new opportunity for growth. Keep believing in yourself, every step forward is a testament to your incredible strength and determination. ODAAT."


Journey in Three Words

Q: If you could describe your journey in three words, what would they be?

A: "Courage, Growth and Resilience."


Aspirations and Goals

"[I] Try to be the best version of myself each and every day."

Q: Looking forward, what aspirations or goals are you working towards, and how do you plan to achieve them?

A: "I don’t think my aspirations or goals have really changed since my day 1. Stay sober today and be kind to myself and those around me. Try to be the best version of myself each and every day."


Evolving Definition of Success

Q: How has your definition of success evolved throughout your journey?

A: "In the beginning of my sober journey, I know I measured my success by days and weeks. Now I notice much smaller wins."


A Closing Thought

"If in doubt, sit it out"

Q: Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience that might inspire or resonate with others in our community?

A: "One small piece of advice would be if you’re worried about a social event coming up 'If in doubt, sit it out'."

Luke Cooper, Voices of Resilience, ODAAT Apparel

Luke's narrative is an invitation to all of us to reflect on our paths and recognize that every day is a new opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Let's continue to support each other in our journeys, celebrating each step forward with compassion and understanding.

What's your story? How have you navigated the path of self-improvement and recovery? Share your experiences below and let's inspire each other to embrace every day with courage and optimism.


Great story Luke and really enjoyed reading it. I would never even have entertained journaling until a few years ago, but it’s really a game changer.
Loved the “ if in doubt sit it out”

— Oliver L